Your Daily DogScope for January 12, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


It's time to reassess your relationships. Do you really want to be bossed around by one dog after another? Exert some independence for a change. Your buds will respect you for it.


You can charm a snack out of someone, but it's not really something you'd like to eat. Put in terms you can understand, all that a human eats shouldn't make you drool. But it will.


Nothing can replace opposing thumbs. Now if only you could motivate them to action. Barking just won't do the trick today, so you'll have to inspire your human with another course of action.


You'll have plenty of time to yourself, so make the most of it. Explore every nook and cranny until you've seen it all and eaten it all. There may not be chew toys hidden away, but there are bound to be crumbs.


It's hard to enjoy your family when all the fun seems to be happening outside. You can look forward to being with your buddies another day. The treats will have to be worked off somehow.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Don't cross the line between comfort and wondering how long you can wait. Let your human know at the first sign instead of letting tension to rise. Force yourself to speak up.


Your human is taking on high ideas, and who better to explore them with than you? When it comes to exercising regularly and eating right, you're the perfect partner, so jump in.


What makes you tag along with certain dogs? Is it instinct or are you consciously deciding? Either way, curb your desire, because this adventure is too good to be true.


Feeling insecure? Let your friends boost your confidence. There's nothing like roaming in a pack to get you in touch with the assurance that only your animal instincts can give you.


Your owner likes thing to be orderly, but you are toppling all that structure without even trying. One of you has got to change, and it just can't be you.


Your pack is expanding daily but not indefinitely. It will burst at the seems if you don't start being more exclusive. Only admit dogs that share your values.


They don't call the alpha for nothing. Pay attention. Your authority figure is trying to give you some hints, so listen up and do as you're told, instead of counting on luck.

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