Your Daily DogScope for December 26, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


If something is ignitable, let's hope it's your enthusiasm that catches fire, and not the results of your bad chow. But if it's the later, your human can only blame themselves.


You like to take your time, but suddenly you're in a big hurry. That's a change. Give your human some time to adjust, just in time to slow down again.


Humans are having no trouble communicating. A group of them could get too talkative and fired up for your liking. You won't be banished if you speak up this time, so take the initiative.


Some dogs and their owners have differing opinions about just what constitutes a good outing. If it's mutual for you and your owner, be sure this is not something you take for granted.


If someone new is holding the other end of the leash, their indecision could be maddening. But it's not. You could have a good time walking down any street, so their changing opinion is fine with you.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Would you run off if you escaped the leash, or stay right by your owner's side? You just need to know, nothing more. Slip your collar to settle the matter once and for all.


It could be the weather or simply a banana peel, but you and your human will be doing some creative movement. You'll both be doing the latest dance moves, and not by choice.


Your human is getting the big jolts this time. It might not be all bad. It could be the a result of infatuation, so help them stay grounded by reminding then of reality.


Children are in the picture. If you're feeling adventurous, join them in their games. But if you're not, stick to the dog house and wait it out.


You have no more ties to your ancestors than your human does. If left without a can, a can opener and their opposing thumbs, you'd get pretty hungry, pretty quickly. But keep up the wild persona.


Wanting to be alpha is not such an advanced or unusual idea. Every dog dreams of it. But your approach is unique, so give being team captain a shot.


Cujo might be a fictitious dog, but that argument won't change the minds of skittish humans. Whether or not you can win them over can be sensed right away, so don't waste time.

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