Your Daily DogScope for December 13, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Some dogs you know aren't afraid of anything, and others cower at the flash of distant lightning. You're not sure which category you're in yet. It's a good time to figure that out, so dip your paws in.


You don't always agree with your owner's priorities, but you should know that aesthetics are actually important. If you weren't so cute, you wouldn't get so much attention, not to mention biscuits.


Is there such a thing as too much fun? You may find out. You prefer action over intellect any day, but you'll be run ragged by noon with the day stretching before you.


Thing are not going smoothly. Don't let your owner's opposing thumbs rub you the wrong way. If it helps you to think of it as a creative partnership, then go ahead.


You are a bit too brilliant for some, particularly all those without sunglasses. That includes almost all the dogs you know, so it may be time to tone it down a bit.

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If you want a good walk, it should be fun for both parties. That means juggling you need to investigate with your human's need to make tracks. Don't look into each and every detail.


How can your human exercise on a treadmill? They don't need to breath the living air the way you do. But they get a lungful anyway, each and every day, thanks to you.


Do they enjoy being elusive? Are they introverted, shy, antisocial? Whatever the reason, you just can't get a rise out of certain dogs. Move on and don't waste your breath.


You march to your own drummer, and the drummer, as far as you're concerned, is the universe. That doesn't wash with your human, though, so get ready for a bath.


When you jump in, the chorus stops. If you're not sure why, it's time to figure out the foundation of the performance. Maybe the other dogs aren't ready for your contribution.


You have something in common with most children: you both hate clowns. But that doesn't mean you should be barking at anyone you think is a buffoon.


Your walks aren't exactly inspired. In fact, you and your human both seem a bit wishy-washy about the whole endeavor. Just doing your business is perfectly fine, until the mood changes.

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