Your Daily DogScope for April 26, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Your human needs to do something healthy to get fit. That's where your routine comes in. You already have the basics set in stone. Now all you need to do is focus on duration.


You may not experience romance, but you still have your share of close attachments. Hooking up with your pals is a must if you want to maintain them. Get out by any means necessary.


If you didn't have such an expressive face, then your thoughts might be misread. But since they almost never are, you can rest assured you're simply being ignored. No more begging.


Things don't just fall into place, but that doesn't mean they won't happen at all. If you want to connect with your pals, you'll have to start making plans. Start by casing the doors.


When the food comes out, your first impulse is to beg. But holding back might be a more effective strategy. Your owners will wonder what's wrong, and being solicitous and tossing table scraps always go hand in hand.

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You don't have to do your own thing to have a great day. You can have a good sense of achievement by helping others, especially if they're your owners. It should be easy to spot the ways they need your assistance.


How do some dogs go through life without holding grudges? If you're not a lab, the whole notion might be a mystery to you, but you could learn a lot by studying their perspective.


You get to be of service. Your owner needs help, in big ways and small. Showing affection is no small detail, so get down to business early in the day. Nice work if you can find it.


Rushing ahead feels great, and sometimes it's just plain necessary. But if it's not, then stop to check out the smaller details. What's rushing by right under your nose needs to be covered.


You can't be perfect, so pick your indiscretions wisely. Which transgressions make your owner steaming mad, and which just make them annoyed? Do your research, then stick to the results.


Your attitude just won't make a difference. You could be way more grounded than another dog but that won't keep you out of a dogfight. Your best bet is to skirt the park.


You didn't have to know much about your human to fall in love with them, and vice versa. So that 'just do it' attitude can spill over into other areas of your life. Enjoy being a newly secure dog.

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