Your Daily DogScope for April 10, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Pick your battles wisely. You'll get help and support for some of the things you want, but not for others. Longer walks? Maybe. Steak dinners? Don't even begin salivating.


If your human slept on fine linen, then you could understand why they'd be rubbed the wrong way by your presence on the bed. But if they're just plain old sheets, then why all the weirdness? Whatever the answer, you won't win this power struggle.


Just as you settle into your ways, someone really different may appear. If you thought you hated the mailman, their replacement may bring up fond feelings you never knew you had. Life is strange.


Who would want to be a cat, you ask -- besides the cat, of course? Well, you could stand to emulate them in some areas. Go for intellect instead of emotion, for one.


You need to let go of the idea that you're in charge. Your owner has the last word, especially when it comes to your walks. Come up with new ways to convince them to go out with you.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Your owners are taking the bull by the horns. If that means you're in the other room while they eat, then you'll have to set them straight. But do it by offering constructive criticism instead of just plain howling.


Your romance with your human deepens. Now that you get along so well, you'll forge an intellectual connection. That's right, it's time to work on simple commands, so listen up.


Humans are causing problems in the doghouse. The only way to avoid the fireworks is to steer clear of them. So slip your collar, steal away, or tunnel under the fence to avoid outbursts.


It's time to broaden your horizons. If you can relate well to your own humans, maybe you can relate well to other people. Explore the possibility the next time you're out and about.


Your owner is preoccupied with money and finances. It's up to you to take their mind off of things. Try going on a new route for a change; nothing too different, just enough to do the trick.


You're filled with high energy, but that's nothing new. So what makes this such a great day? The way you get to burn it off. The solution you and your owner come up with is downright brilliant.


Humans should always let sleeping dogs lie, but you -- now that's another story. Wake up your favorite pooch today. They should be spending time with others, not with their dreams.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.