Your Daily DogScope for April 09, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Ambitions, goals -- what are they? All you know is what the smell of a steak does to your salivary glands. You may not be thinking far into the future, but doggedly going after what you want is very human of you.


As far as you're concerned, weirdness is out of place on this planet. But while holding your opinion is one thing, enforcing it is another. No growling.


Your mood may be fine in the morning, but come afternoon, your disposition will be radically changed. What makes such a big difference in your frame of mind? A simple nap, so take one.


If you can't guilt trip your human into a treat, go for a more intellectual approach. You can come up with plenty of ideas once you put your mind to getting the goods.


Relationship issues dominate the dog park. While a bit of pride is a good thing, too much ego simply leads to power struggles. Stay on the sidelines if you don't want to get sucked into one.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Want your routine changed? Don't count on your human to do it. You'll have to experiment if you want to find triggers, motivators, or whatever it takes to shake up your owner.


Just because you understand some commands doesn't mean you can understand others. Sit, stay -- those are the easy ones. When it comes to heeling or rolling over, your owner needs some patience.


Home is usually the calm in the storm, but today you're feeling radical. If you choose to rearrange the living room or make the couch a shred-bed, it can only mean you've not had enough exercise.


Want a clue to how to relate well to new humans? Connect with them, but don't do too much exploring. Keep things light and superficial if you want to impress them.


If simply begging is your plan, then it may not go well. But a 'steal into the pantry at night' scheme won't go over, either. Modify your approach, but not that drastically.


You need to burn off some steam while your owner needs to build some up. If your owner just doesn't share your high energy, then the only solution you can see is the dog run. Share your vision.


Your daydreams about the future all involve open fields and no leashes. Or are they steak dinners? Whatever your fantasies, they're not realistic. Don't let them spoil reality.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.