Your Daily DogScope for April 04, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


It's a good time for independent thought. Sometimes you have to take things into your own paws, or mouth, as the case may be. Do what it takes to initiate some action.


Changing seasons can bring out deep emotions, and not all good ones. Possessiveness and jealousy rear their ugly heads so be ready to be kept on a short leash.


If you usually live to please, then being willful is unexpected. The only one more shocked than you by this new feeling is your owner. Break it to them gently.


Be careful of your approach when you meet another pooch if you want to avoid a dogfight. Whether you waiver or respond with emotional intensity makes all the difference in the world.


You can size up a new human pretty quickly. Sure, you give them the once over, but the real information is all just beneath the surface. Get your antennae quivering.

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When you're feeling restless, it's especially hard to come when you're called. If you have an impossible time listening to others, break free and burn some energy before wasting time trying to be obedient.


Money may not be changing paws, but your time at the dog park is all about business. Don't bother trying to make your human understand; just make sure you get there in time to sign.


People will suddenly be drawn to you as much as dogs are. Or were. Will you go through some kind of rebirth? It could be a simple as a thorough bath or a visit with some clippers.


You may want to be alone, and for all the right reasons. Being lost in daydreams beats losing in dogfights, so skip all the commotion and stay in your basket.


You can sniff out all the details, but what good are they if you can't organize them in your mind? You have packmates who can help, so spread the burden.


Humans can sometimes feel emotionally exposed. Your owner needs some privacy, but that doesn't include you. Be extra vigilant about guarding the door.


Don't let your human be wishy-washy when it comes to walks. If you don't get them regularly, the best way to get your message across is to create some uproar. You know just how to do it.

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