Your Daily DogScope for April 02, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Just how can you get your fill of treats? Repeat your lessons until the commands get under your skin. When 'Sit' and 'Stay' are so familiar they're downright subliminal, then you'll start earning the big chews.


You'll be begging with such intensity, you might miss something important. Try being as passionate about guarding the castle as you are about getting a treat, and you'll earn your keep today.


Helping humans live well helps you live well. But while being of service makes you feel good, it's time to do something else for a change. Slipping your collar and running free once per year is in your contract.


Emotional intensity and upheaval happens each and every day. At least you're not indecisive. But does a simple visit from the mailman really have to be such a big deal? Try to let it pass for a change.


Windows, doors, gates -- watch for plotters; they are everywhere. And even if they aren't, it's a good way to pass the day, not to mention practice using your intuition.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


Understanding why you can't eat from the table or sleep on the bed -- those are unrealistic goals. But figuring out how to get a laugh or a scratch behind the ear shouldn't be so hard. Start working on it.


You and your owner are each going about your business on your walks. Theirs might be on the cell phone and yours might be -- well, the real thing. That's just fine, as long as you connect at some point.


Ah, your smell is magnetic. So why are people repelled by you? You are radiating something other than power or prestige. Live on your domesticated side rather than your wild side if you want to figure this out.


There's the big picture, and then there's the internal picture. Your inner screen is much more interesting than the real world today. You may not want to be left alone, but if you are, enjoy your imagination.


Don't be afraid to be left in charge of the castle. If you look at all the details in a detached way, you'll see you have all the power you need to keep guard. And if not, you have friends who can help.


It's a pendulum. When your owner's feelings about their career slow down, your walks speed up, not to mention get longer. Enjoy this phase while it lasts.


You live to be a doormat, as long as you're throwing yourself down on purpose. But the moment someone steps on your tail, the world should get ready for some emotional upheaval. Be careful.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!