Your Daily Couples Horoscope for September 22, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


It's nice to know that no matter what, someone's right behind you, backing you up all the way. Sometimes, however, you must stand on your own two feet and do it yourself, just to know that you can.


Stop trying to be in charge of your relationship -- let the universe kick in and lend a hand. Not only will you two end up somewhere surprising, you'll also have much more fun once you surrender control.


The problem with trying to be in control is that you're so focused on what has to be that you don't give yourself a chance to see what could be. An openhearted gesture unlocks a previously locked door between you two.


It's easy to put your darling on a pedestal, but it's dangerous, too. This is a real, live person you're dealing with, not a statue. Learn to see them as they really are, or that fall off the pedestal could smart.


You reap what you sow. Whether it's your actions, words or intentions, you have to be aware of what you're planting at all times, especially in a relationship. Cosmically, this is a time to harvest results.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Are you trying to change your sweetie pie's behavior to avoid thinking about your own? The habit of meddling is a hard one to break, but your own psyche could benefit from more maintenance.


Dwelling on the so-called mistakes in your relationship? Well, take heart. You're in the present, and the future is a blank slate. If you want to change your future, study the past, and most importantly, learn from it.


You're great at making decisions, but what about your darling? They might just have some hidden leadership abilities that they haven't had a chance to exercise yet. Go ahead and hand over the reins for now.


You're being too strict with what you and your sweetie 'should' or 'shouldn't' do. The truth is, you can make a decision based on the information you have in front of you, no more, no less. Go easy on yourselves.


Work is a big part of your life -- that's one of the things your sweetie first loved about you, your dedication and commitment to your career. Explain to them now that you need to be incommunicado for a while.


It can feel as if you have no choice right now, but is that the case? Talk it over with your sweetheart. Another perspective can help you see the way out, especially if a work situation's on your mind.


It can be hard to see friends getting something that you and your darling think you want. But when the time is right for you two, it will happen. Acknowledge any envy you're feeling, process it and then move on.

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