Your Daily Couples Horoscope for October 10, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You two lovebirds have turned into culture vultures lately! There's nary a symphony you haven't heard or a theater piece you haven't seen. Birds of a feather, you know!


In relationships, even more than in anything else, being "righteous" is four letters and worlds away from being "right." Actually, in a relationship, "listening" is much better than any of the alternatives.


Hey, get out of that bully pulpit already if you want your partner to listen to what you have to say. A captive audience is a far cry from a captivated one.


It's true. There are only 24 hours in a day, and if you don't set aside any for your relationship, there's bound to be a problem. It's up to you!


You can occasionally get into a funk because you somehow think you're not good enough when that's the furthest thing from the truth. Know how fantastic you are. Let your partner be your cheering section.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Today, you need to really force yourself to do what you want to do, no matter who doesn't like it. That includes your partner. If they know which way is up, they'll support your decision.


Well, aren't you just climbing right up to the top of your own personal Himalayan mountain today! You are overcoming something, and both of you will be stronger for it.


Some light and lively energy from the stars is keeping things exciting for you. Not only is your relationship thriving, but your creativity and enthusiasm on the job are simply shooting off the charts!


You are so amazing today that you are close to a mythical creature. You're jolly, you're jovial, and incredibly lovable. Grab your partner and enjoy today as if it was the first day of a vacation together!


Sometimes you can't figure out how to implement all your fun plans for you and your partner. Today, start getting things in order so that you have the why, how, and when structure in place!


Some days you think you can't get by without your partner. On others you wonder what other path your life could have taken. That's all perfectly normal. What's going on beneath those thoughts is what counts.


One of the biggest problems in any relationship is a simple lack of awareness. Maybe you are doing something and you have no idea you're doing it. Or, maybe it's them. Either way, be gentle.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!