Your Daily Couples Horoscope for November 23, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You may have something serious you want to address with your loved one today. Think about the words you'll use ahead of time. You can get your point across and still be kind.


Give in to your romantic side today. You don't need a reason to shower your partner with your affection, so don't hold back! Give them plenty of evidence that they have your heart.


Your friends may want all the details of your romance, but you don't have to kiss and tell. Keep the intimate details to yourself. Your loved one will thank you for it.


Your social calendar is jam-packed with activity. Get your partner's okay before assuming they'll join you for everything. You might need to make some compromises.


You like to be in the spotlight, and your partner is more than happy to let you take it. But let them know you're proud of their achievements too. Give them a chance to shine today.

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It's important to you to reach a mutual understanding, so let your partner know what's on your mind today. You may each need to give a little to reach a compromise.


You're feeling a pull to be with your honey that is absolutely magnetic today. Make sure you don't have any other plans this evening, because you won't be able to keep yourself away!


Try to be open to different opinions today. You and your loved one may not see eye to eye on a financial matter, and you may be the one to give in and change your mind.


Both your work and social lives are so busy you need all the help you can get to keep everything under control. Let your partner give you a hand. You can do it all if you work together.


Watch your finances for the next few days. It's easy to let your spending get out of hand when your social life is so busy. Dinner at home with your partner will be a nice change of pace.


You might be feeling a little off today and have difficulty communicating with your partner. Let them know your strange behavior is a temporary thing and they don't need to worry.


You're drawn to everything soft and romantic today. Even the most cynical partner will melt when you write them a letter describing your feelings in poetic terms.

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