Your Daily Couples Horoscope for November 13, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Sometimes the best and most loving thing you can do is treat your loved one with the same courtesy you would with a perfect stranger. Minding your manners can help you two reconnect on a romantic level.


Can't you and your partner agree to disagree? It might be more productive and peaceful than going around the same argument for hours or even days. Take a time-out separately and see if that helps.


Let the sun shine on this relationship. The two of you need to settle an issue around partnership once and for all. Give a little and you'll get just that, a little. If you learn to give a lot, that's what you'll get.


You're so good at helping other people, cleaning up after your partner, tutoring your niece in algebra, getting the neighbor's dry cleaning. But what about your needs? Take a little time for you too.


Doesn't a vacation in Paris sound fantastic? If the two of you have that or a similar long-term goal in mind, start looking at ways to make it happen. Planning ahead helps!

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When you're good, you're very good, but when you're not, your partner knows to duck and cover! Fortunately, this is one of your good days. Make hay while the sun shines and you can cut yourself a little slack later.


You and your partner have been dancing around each other regarding a certain hot topic for some time now. Why not up the ante just a bit? Like, talking to each other? You might like what develops.


Is all the mystery really necessary? No, you just know how to make an entrance. If your partner is getting impatient for the big reveal, reassure them that the wait will be well worth it.


The first step is always the scariest, but after that the path unveils itself to the both of you. You may not know the final destination, but you can see far enough to know that the road is clear ahead.


Were you unconsciously hoping that this relationship would transform you? Well, it can, but the work still has to come from you. If a big change still hasn't happened, it's up to you to make it appear.


It's a crucial point in your twosome, but you both have the elements you need to get past this turning point successfully. Demonstrate understanding, but keep in mind that your needs have to be satisfied too.


Sometimes your two hearts beat as one. At other times, it feels distinctly more arrhythmic. Who cares? A little syncopation just adds more richness to this melody of love you two have going on.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞