Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 23, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Harness your impulses to serve your relationship. It's time to get a fresh start going between you two. Clear up an issue that has lingered for too long. No more coulda-woulda-shoulda. Out with the old, in with the new.


If you give this partnership enough care and attention, you'll soon see that it takes on a momentum of its own. It's almost scary, but you can manifest what you desire if it's aligned with the universal good.


The secret for success in your romantic life is the same as in real estate: location, location, location. Having a special place makes you two feel more stable and happier. Pick a spot and build a cozy nest together.


Trying to make your partner happy fixes things. For about three minutes. Afterward, they'll still have to face the same problems. Be realistic. You can help them out, but you can't solve their issues.


"Toothsome" is one way to describe your appeal right now. Other edible and delightful descriptions apply like "decadently delicious" and "sinfully sweet." Invite your partner to come over and take a nibble.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


The path of every relationship gets bumpy occasionally, but those glitches are what make the journey interesting. If your lines of communication are clear, you'll find the rough patch smooth out before long.


Finding a new solution to an old challenge is easy as pie. Not only is your sense of perspective sharper than ever, but an innocent remark from your partner sparks an inspiration that leads you where you need to go.


Don't lose your nerve when you two are so close to the finish line. Deep breathing, affirmations, meditation to soothe your anxiety. Do whatever it takes to keep your health good and your stamina high.


The grass only looks greener because it's someone else's grass. Once you're standing on that lawn, there are still the same issues with weeds and bugs. A fantasy is fun to have on occasion, but don't get carried away.


The future beckons to you and your partner to the point where you're having a tough time remembering what you're doing in the present. A little fantasizing is fine, but don't let it get out of hand.


A mental escape is just what the stars ordered. Can you get your significant other to play cabana attendant and bring you a cool drink while you sit in a hammock (or on the couch) and read an absorbing book?


You're always thinking about your partner. What about your needs? Helping yourself is also helping your relationship and them. When you can take care of yourself, there's less stress on you as a duo.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!