Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 21, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


It's natural for two people to have different styles of communication. It might take trial and error, but learning the right way to talk to your partner will lead to understanding.


If there's an issue you and your partner can't see eye to eye on, look at it from their perspective. You may not change your mind, but you can better understand where they're coming.


To love and be loved in return is the point of life. Just make sure you know what's love and what's vanity and craving. Your careful attention to what truly matters helps keep this relationship alive.


Ask your partner for some help. If they need an incentive, tell them that the more you get done now, the more time you'll have to play. Then crank up the tunes and get busy!


Looking for the motivation to start a fitness routine? Ask your partner to join you. You can encourage each other when it gets tough, and you'll both benefit when you see the results!

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Cupid is working overtime for you right now. Your partner feel extra loving, and you can only benefit from that. Be prepared for more meaningful glances and stolen kisses!


Someone from your past could make an appearance. Whether you let them in is up to you. Think about how you left things last time. It might help to talk about your feelings with your partner.


Someone might appear foolish on the surface, but they have some surprising words of wisdom for you and your partner. Listen carefully and keep an open mind.


For your next date with your partner, try something that's a bit out of the ordinary for you. If you usually go to boisterous clubs, try a mellow lounge this time.


You've been voted "couple of the year"! Or it feels like that anyway. You two are getting along incredibly well, and there's no obstacle you can't overcome. You don't need a trophy to tell you that.


Looking for the right gift to surprise your partner? Do a little research to come up with something unexpected. Ask their friends for some ideas, but make them promise to keep it a secret!


Your special connection makes other people jealous. Ignore their comments and revel in the strength of the bond that you two share. You might want to keep it inside, however!

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