Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 13, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Don't be selfish! Romance is about giving as well as taking, so today let your partner be the one who gets all the attention. Go out of your way to do something special just for them.


When things are going smoothly, it's easy to get into a rut. Change your routine to keep things lively. Try one new thing today like a new place for dinner or a back rub before bed.


Your energy level is so high that you practically bound out of bed! Dare your partner to keep up as you power through the day. Your high spirits continue into evening, so make tonight special.


Even the best couples have ups and downs. Don't let a small setback make you question your romance. You may weather a few tough days, but you two can ride it out. There are blue skies ahead.


You'll find communicating easy, so use this opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner. If there's something on your mind, let them know. Tell them how much they mean to you.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You've been saving your pennies, now you're ready to buy that big-ticket item. Having your partner as part of the process will make it even more fun. Go together and enjoy your new toy!


You're feeling extra flirty today. Let your partner know what's on your mind. Give them a hint of what's in store for them this evening. They'll be counting the hours until then!


You and your partner are at an impasse, and neither of you is willing to budge. Ask yourself what's more important: winning the battle or keeping the peace in your relationship.


When little disappointments threaten to get you down, keep the big picture in mind. If you and your partner get along most of the time, you're doing something right. Focus on the positive.


Keep some romantic poetry by the bed and take turns reading aloud to each other. It may make you giggle at first, but soon you'll be caught up in the magic of the words and the sound of your partner's voice.


It's time for you and your partner to clean house, metaphorically speaking. It's time to put away any old issues that are just taking up space. Open the windows and let the fresh air in.


Equality is important in a relationship, but things don't always split evenly. You both have your strengths and weaknesses, and when you work together you create a harmonious partnership.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!