Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 07, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Today finds you feeling reflective about your relationship. Spend time thinking about what makes you happy and what you'd like to make better. Remember that there's always room for improvement.


Still crazy about each other after all these years? Good for you! Now is a great time to express your feelings. Be original. Flowers are nice, but an interpretive dance is hilarious and sweet.


Cheap thrills are the goal right now. No, not that kind! Search online for some fun activities you can do with your partner for little or no money. Romantic times can be had on any budget.


One thing that helps you get along so well with your partner is your ability to relate and empathize on a deep level. This skill comes into play today when they come to you with a concern.


You may seem like an odd pairing, but your differences make your relationship even stronger. You complement each other in many ways, and you find each other's quirks charming. Opposites attract!

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Laughter isn't simply the best medicine, it's one of life's saving graces. Look for the funny side of events with your partner, and see if your whole perspective doesn't turn around completely.


Your aesthetic sense is a gift you can share. Offer to help your partner set up their office or other personal space. Seeing your influence when they look around will bring a smile to their face.


You're feeling emotionally overwhelmed right now. Don't try to fight it. This is the perfect time to watch a tearjerker movie. Grab your sweetie and the tissues. You'll need them both close at hand.


Being flexible helps you today. Your plans won't quite work out, but that doesn't have to stop you have from having a good time. You two have no problem improvising your own fun!


Today starts slow, but by the end of the day you're full of energy and can't wait to see your partner. You're in the perfect mood for a fun night. Dress to impress.


Avoid getting caught up in a power struggle with your partner. Is what you're squabbling about. really worth it? Maybe it's better to let it go and enjoy some relaxed time together.


Your partner's in luck because you've got romance on your mind. Choose a quiet place to have dinner, and take a post-dinner stroll around your neighborhood hand in hand.

Are you compatible? Reveal your Compatibility Score now!