Your Daily Couples Horoscope for May 01, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You don't have to wait for your partner to make the first move. Today, turn the tables and be the initiator. Who knows, you may even find you like take the lead sometimes!


You know what you want, and you want it now! Slow down. This is definitely a case of good things coming to those who wait. Your partner has some big news, but you'll have to sit tight a little longer.


Sure, you know your partner's favorite food or movie, but do you know their deepest hopes and dreams? Find out what their heart desires most, then work together to make it come true.


You've been waiting to kick back and chill with your loved one. Things have been smooth sailing between the two of you, so celebrate with a fun day or night out.


It takes two to tango! Grab your partner by the hand and spin them around the dance floor. Two left feet? Taking lessons together will be a lot fun and a lot of laughs.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Spend a little time going over your finances with your partner. Careful planning may mean you have some extra for a treat. Try that new restaurant or that cute new boutique hotel.


Your partner wants to stay in, but you want to go out. Your ability to compromise will serve you well today, and you can come up with a solution that makes you both happy.


Too much good food and good times can take a toll on you. Team up with your partner to get in tip-top shape. If you make getting healthy a mutual goal, you can keep each other motivated.


You're in the mood for some childish play. Though your partner might protest, when they see how much fun you're having they'll want to join in!


If you always do the same thing on date night, mix it up a bit. Go bowling or attend a lecture at a local university. Whatever you do, you're sure to have fun.


The vibe between you and your loved one now is absolutely electric! Every time they look at you, your heart races. You'll want to cancel all your plans and just spend some quality time together.


Your partner's behavior has you bewildered. What's going on? Accept that everyone has an off day once in a while. If the weirdness doesn't pass, you might want to ask what's on their mind.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!