Your Daily Couples Horoscope for March 18, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


No one likes a critic. Even though your partner appreciates honesty, going overboard by singling out everything that's wrong could backfire. Don't be a killjoy.


Put your serious side on hold and have some fun. Take your partner out for a retro bowling date or challenge each other to the ultimate pillow fight. Couples who play together, stay together.


Meaningless chatter changes nothing. Give your words real power by backing them up with proof that you mean business. Idle threats are useless.


Keeping your eyes focused on the big picture may cause you to neglect noticing the little issues that pile up into bigger problems. Nip bad communication habits in the bud now.


Being the life of the party might not be your bag right now, but you can still add to the scene by just being yourself. Your main squeeze doesn't need a grand performance to know you're the star.

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While your relationship is smooth sailing, your friends might be suffering through a love affair worthy of a TV miniseries. Delve into your experiences and offer advice when needed.


Holding a grudge against your partner? Why? Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes. If the apology is sincere, let time heal the rest.


You won't win the title of debate champion in this relationship, but at least you know how to speak your mind. Remind your partner that even if you're not right all the time, you still need to be heard.


Having trouble letting go of day-to-day anxieties? Take a yoga class and take your partner with you. Couple time on the yoga mat is well spent. Or find another encouraging, relaxing habit.


It's easy to get caught up in the throes of love. Let your friends who know you best keep you grounded. You'll do the same for them when Cupid smacks them with a few arrows.


All may seem swell on the home front, but look closer and you could see cracks in the foundation of your relationship. Assess the damage and have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner.


Flip-flopping on decisions is aggravating to everyone around you, especially your partner. Just get off your duff and do something. You'll be happy you finally made a move.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.