Your Daily Couples Horoscope for July 16, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Starting to talk in "we" mode? There's no need to lose your independent thought just because you're part of a couple. Think about it: would you like to ditch the pair lingo and speak for yourself?


Forgiving past missteps isn't easy, but today you're in a philosophical mood. Bad memories of past loves may be holding you back, so attempt to keep an open mind and look toward the future.


Preaching gets you nowhere, whether it's directed toward your partner or some of your buddies. So step away from the pulpit. You'll be better help as a listener rather than a lecturer.


Caught in the middle? Being the agreeable mediator, you feel the need to bring peace among friends and your partner. However, lately your good Samaritan role is being tested. Go with your gut.


Bothered by pettiness? You're not alone. Your honey can't handle small-minded comments and juvenile behavior either, so at least you're in good company. Stay clear of friends who want to make trouble.

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You can't hurry love, so stop the hustle and bustle! Let the relationship blossom on its own without your interference. Your patience will be handsomely rewarded.


Struggling against a perplexing problem makes it worse. Ask for extra insight from your partner, who might know a thing or two about the issue at hand. Listen fully to all suggestions.


If you feel more comfortable taking this relationship at a slower pace, speak up! Getting caught up in the moment complicates your ideal timeline.


Goodwill toward everyone in your life, not just your partner, helps you move forward and closer to happiness. Don't stay shackled to the past and to wrongs from years ago. Move on.


A happy relationship doesn't only exist in fairy tales. It can be your reality, with a lot of hard work and dedication. No frog kissing necessary.


Play the game Six Degrees of Separation to see how many different ways you and your partner are connected to friends and coworkers. It's a smaller world than you think.


The older you get, the more you start to sound like your parents. Instead of freaking out about this inevitable transformation, just try not to nag your partner too often.

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