Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 19, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Express your inner self. Get artistic and encourage your beloved to do the same. Once you're in the thick of things, you'll enjoy it so much you'll want to incorporate this into your regularly scheduled programming.


Loosen up on that schedule. Yes, it's important for you and your sweetie pie to have a routine and to know who has what duty to perform, but it's equally as important to put some breathing room into the relationship.


What's all the rush? You see the value in taking it slow, having a lazy morning and lingering with your darling over a cup of coffee. This change of gears really isn't like you, but you have to say you like the results.


When it comes to the current situation, you two need to be looking for solutions that mean you both benefit. If the two of you can budge just a wee bit, you might make some terrific forward progress.


A little excitement is nice in any relationship, especially if it's the kind that's pleasant. Maybe the two of you could schedule a creative way to get your blood racing, especially on a romantic day like today.

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You might not be single, but you're definitely in the mood to mingle. All of this social energy has to go somewhere. Give a party, attend a party -- whatever you do, more is definitely merrier, so get out there.


What's that sound? Why, that's the noise of all the pieces of your relationship falling into place (and not a moment too soon). You and your partner are feeling in sync with each other and in general.


Take a look at your own emotional terrain before you project your current state onto your partner. Could it be that you're both playing a part in what's currently going on? Be responsible for your share.


Saying it like you mean it has an amazing effect: It turns out you really do mean it. Your mate is impressed with your show of confidence. Heck, so are you. You might make it a regular part of your programming.


Give yourself a pat on the back. Then ask your sweetheart to give you one, too. After all, you deserve all the praise and encouragement you can get -- what you're about to pull off is amazing.


Thank your lucky stars, because you and your sweetie are about to get what you've been working and hoping for. Resist the temptation to gild the lily. You've put in your effort. Now let the fruits of your labor ripen.


Thinking about doing something isn't the same as actually doing it. However, the way you think about it can influence the outcome to a great extent. So what do you two want to happen? And how should it happen?

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