Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 15, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You want it all, or you want this specific thing and you want it right now. Which is it? There are so many contradictory desires now, the best thing you and your partner can do is sit back and laugh.


Every relationship has its own mythology. Just make sure you're not chattering about yours too much to friends who have their own issues on their minds. A little mystery never hurt, right?


Just what answers are you looking for, and can you realistically expect this partnership to provide them? Take look at your expectations. Scale them down to a reasonable size and you'll be happier.


On your own, you're charming, and so is your partner. But when you're together and given a boost by the stars, there's no one you two can't reach. So get out there and work the room.


Who would go for such a cockamamie plan? You would if it's presented with enough conviction. You and your partner egg each other on and commit random acts of silliness and fun.

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It's the day-to-day tasks that get you and your partner ready for the future. Clean the house. Reorganize files. See if your insurance is up to date. What a feeling of accomplishment!


There's more than one possible response to your partner's proclamation, and you can run the gamut in a few seconds. Take a deep breath before you react, or say you need more time and take a day.


How's your communication? Your lightning wit is definitely in evidence right now, and your partner finds it very sexy!


The puzzle that is human nature, not only yours and your partner's, but also the puzzle that occurs when you two come together. You don't have to find answers. Just enjoy the questions.


It's time for you to put your money where your mouth is. While you're at it, encourage your partner to do the same. Big talk can lead to big results if you actually take the time to plan your next steps.


A lucky break is heading your way, but not from the source you were expecting. Actually, the news might come in bits and pieces and from many sources. It's up to you two to sort out the message.


Just when you thought you and your partner were talking from totally different places, they go and say or do something that makes you realize they were listening all along.

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