Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 02, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Getting by is great, but getting ahead is even better. You have energy to spare right now, so grab your partner and start moving on some projects that could really use your attention.


Inwardly, you want to know why you're going to all this trouble. The answer is because both you and your partner are worth it. And if you don't make the effort to believe that, who will?


When you and your partner are making plans, double-check everything. A little extra preparation goes a long way, especially if you're on a budget.


It's easy to fall into the habit of keeping plus and minus columns for each other, but sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. It helps when you realize that the so-called bad often contains some good too.


How long has it been since you told your partner how much you appreciate them? Send them a DM while they're in a long meeting. It'll make them smile.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


Frankly, you think you're getting short shrift in this relationship. If you reexamine these events with a new attitude, does that still seem true? Initial appearances can be deceiving.


Just because your partner knows what they want to do doesn't mean you're on the same wavelength. Give yourself a few days to make up your mind. Your discernment will be much clearer then.


Feed your head and you'll find that your heart expands along with it. Encourage your partner to come along for the ride. That stuff about the brain being the biggest erogenous zone isn't just a cliché.


Work matters could include surprise travel for you or your partner. Even if you can't be together, you're on the same mental wavelength. Besides, phones and messging are made for these situations.


Some intellectual stimulation helps you and your partner get back on track with each other and with this relationship. Movies, books, art, history. Enjoy some and then discuss it.


Try waking up with a smile on your face. You'll see what a difference it makes to all of your interactions, especially when it comes to your partner.


You both need to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, even as you keep reaching for the stars. Being grounded will help you rein in all the excitement as you work toward your dreams.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.