Your Daily Couples Horoscope for February 27, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You have a hidden side to your nature that your partner doesn't know about yet. As much as you'd like to make a big, dramatic entrance, you might want to reveal it little by little. That way, they can assimilate.


Sometimes instant gratification takes too long. You and your partner know just what you want, and you want it right now. Can you two remember to breathe through this? Remember, it's about the process, not the destination.


One of the nice things about being in a couple is being your true self and accepting each other that way. However, it's even better if now and then you play a little dress-up to keep things fresh between you two.


Can you two have too much of a good thing? While your interdependence is a beautiful thing to behold, getting in touch with other friends will increase the strength of your relationship.


It's tempting to play detective with your relationship, but it can also lead to some unwarranted cases of suspicion. Listen to your instincts, yes, but don't try to oversee each and every event that crosses your path.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Finally it becomes clear. This goal you two are pursuing isn't right for you. Now that you realize it, it's time to move on. Beating yourself up is counterproductive, however. Thank goodness you found out when you did!


Love your partner for who they are, and stop trying to turn them into someone else. Aren't you tired of the past having such a hold on you? It's time to move on or you could get stuck in that place.


A tricky relationship matter is occupying a lot of psychic territory. This means you have to be more objective than usual if you want to work things out. Creating barriers will keep you from seeing a solution.


Sometimes you're an enigma to your partner, but then again, they play that role on occasion too. When you think about it, you're both lucky to be with people who possess unknowable depths.


Try seeing this from your partner's point of view. Not only will that change your behavior, but it could very well change the short- and long-term outlook. Flexibility will help you right now.


Keep that calendar handy. You and your partner need to make sure you aren't booked simultaneously. The stars promise plenty of opportunities for rekindling your romance, and you should take advantage.


Fools rush in where wiser types fear to tread, but generally, the fools have more fun while they're at it. It's time for you and your partner to do something unusual, risky, and, yes, perhaps even (ever so slightly) foolhardy.

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