Your Daily Couples Horoscope for February 22, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Instead of wondering who's got the most, ask yourself why it's so important. That way you and your partner can focus on what's really important in this relationship. Put your pride aside and target the truth.


Your partner has a special surprise but is so nervous they can't talk about it yet. Your sensible side says it's silly, but secretly you're thrilled and want to know what it is. Be patient. All will be revealed.


Pick and choose carefully when it comes to the company you and your partner keep. A new friend reacts in a very interesting way to an adverse situation. Pay attention to their reaction and think about your options.


Who knew how well you and your partner would click? One person's down-to-earth energy complements the other's pie-in-the-sky optimism. Just remember to balance that combination of attitudes.


Rolling with the punches doesn't mean you have to take the punches. If you think that your lie-down-and-play-dead maneuver is starting to backfire on you, get up and stand up for your rights.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Learn to give love without expecting a reward in return. You'll be happier and, most importantly, your conscience will be much more at ease. Your partner senses something big in you has shifted.


Your view of your abilities simply doesn't do you justice. Get out of the past and view how you are in the here and now. Ask your partner for their view. Then do something nice that reinforces your new attitude.


Some people can have mighty strange reactions to the good fortune in your and your partner's life right now. Ignore them. You two know just how good you have it. Guess what? There's more to come too.


Are you unconsciously trying to lower your expectations so you won't be disappointed? Hey, it's good to be realistic, but don't talk yourself down. You and your partner have a real shot at the brass ring.


Maybe your partner has been standoffish because they don't understand what's going on with you right now. Try explaining your motives. Then see whether the situation doesn't clear right up.


Precision is important to you right now. When you and your partner make plans, you want to know just what and when it will happen. This trait of yours can be endearing if it isn't taken to extremes.


It's tempting to think the ends justify the means, especially when you and your partner have been working so hard toward this goal, but unwholesome means lead to unwholesome ends. Stay on the up and up.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙