Your Daily Couples Horoscope for February 21, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


This is a fantastic day for romance, so grab your sweetie and head out for some fun! If you've been together a while, re-create your first date. And if your love is new, anything goes. Try something neither of you has done before!


You and your partner may disagree about something today, but don't let it become a power struggle. Give their side careful consideration. It might be worth it to give in. Relationships aren't about winning.


Lucky you, finding such a kindhearted sweetie. Their little gestures let you know how much they care. Return the love with some kindness of your own. A little thing like surprising them with a latte will bring a smile to their face.


Things have been going great at work, and now you want to celebrate. Treat your sweetie to a fabulous evening out. Reservations at a cozy restaurant, dancing. Now is the time to be as extravagant as you want to be.


You're pretty fabulous and you know it. You love the spotlight, and your sweetie is happy to step aside and let you shine. But they deserve some of the glory too. Remember to let them know how fabulous they are.

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Flexibility is key right now. When something comes up that changes the plans you made with your loved one, don't let it stress you out. You know how to regroup, change things around, and come up with an even better plan.


Get out and get active! Challenge your loved one to a friendly race to the end of the block. The winner gets to choose tonight's entertainment. Staying physically fit provides you both with the energy you desire.


You're presented with a challenge today, perhaps regarding a family matter. Keep your cool and you'll be able to work through it. Your partner is available to back you up if you need a little extra support.


You've got a bad case of wanderlust right now. The travel website you left open on your loved one's computer clued them in, and now they're on board too. Figure out your budget and then start planning.


Ouch! Your sweetie's a grouch today! Give them some space and let them sulk. They should be back to their regular loving self by the end of the day. In the meantime, do your own thing. You've got plenty to keep you busy.


Concentrate on household issues today. Spend some time organizing and getting rid of clutter. Ask your sweetie to pitch in. The faster you finish the boring stuff, the sooner you can go out and play!


Resist the temptation to point out your partner's flaws even if you think it's for their own good. No one wants to be told they should exercise more! Instead, set a good example and you might inspire them to join you.

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