Your Daily Couples Horoscope for February 20, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Get physical! Grab your partner and head to the park. Motivation is a lot easier to come by when your mate is running next to you. Try a one-on-one sport like tennis.


Are your lover's once quirky and cute habits now driving you bonkers? When couples start relaxing around each other, they let the formalities go out the window. Instead of nagging, be more tolerant of the little things.


You have an opinion on just about everything, so why hold back when your lover asks for your thoughts? Now is not the time to play the wallflower. Express yourself proudly and let your sweetie see the real you.


It's high time to toot your own horn for a change. A recent victory calls for celebration, and your honey can't wait to toast your accomplishments. Bask in the praise and be proud of your recognition.


Your heart is in the right place today. Give help to those in need, especially your honey. Suggest solutions to complicated issues that torment your partner.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Hurrah for the underdog, who just so happens to be you! While the world may be against you, your sweetie is standing by, loyal as ever. Be sure to reward them often.


Are your honey's once endearing habits giving you headaches? Love may have blinded you to their habit of hogging the remote, but you obviously fell in love with more than TV manners. Think of the bigger picture.


Challenges prove to be exciting, depending on your approach. Your honey will support your decisions, so why not take a few risks? Get ready to jump into the deep end.


Negativity breeds more negativity. Let the sun shine! Thinking optimistically is a self-fulfilling prophecy and makes life sweeter for all. Your upbeat attitude turns a gloomy partner around.


This may not be an easy day for you to concentrate on your honey. Do your own thing. Let your sweetie spend time alone while you do the same. Chances are you need to spend some quality time with your own neglected self.


Sudden changes are a way of life. The most successful couples know how to bend like reeds in the wind when the storm hits. Be flexible with the idea that things may not go your way for a while.


Even though you'd rather visit fantasyland than spend time on tasks demanding your full attention, now is not the time to let your imagination run wild. Your partner won't appreciate that goofy grin on your face while they retile the bathroom on their own.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.