Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 30, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Sometimes you think the two of you are characters in a sweeping, dramatic love story. Other times, it feels more like a screwball comedy. Ask yourself which is it today and act accordingly.


You get a little help from your friends because of some benevolent stars. Many hands want to aid you and your partner should you say the word. If you don't need it, extend some hands of your own.


Your memory is like an elephant's. However, in this partnership, there might be moments you both are better off forgetting, especially if you have radically different points of view about what happened.


One of you is being awfully stubborn about a certain issue in this partnership, and it's clogging up the works. It's time to lose the attitudes and get back to your freewheeling selves.


Find a fresh approach for a long-standing issue. If you and your partner resort to the usual methods, you won't see results. After all, how many times have you dealt with the same challenge? Take a different approach.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


Are you and your partner putting some unnecessary restrictions on each other? Be careful, or you could block some much-needed vitality in your relationship. Where could you loosen up?


The simplest thing to do can also be the hardest. There's a pretty obvious solution right in front of you and your partner, but for some reason you're both reluctant to do it. It's time to figure out why.


The fire in the heart is burning hotter than ever. True intimacy deepens when you both put in the effort to really be there for each other and the relationship.


Are the two of you ready to learn from the past? The cosmos says making a sincere effort to absorb these lessons results in a time of unprecedented sweetness and harmony in your relationship.


Is this a flashing yellow light or a red stop signal? Only you and your partner know for sure. What do your instincts say? Give yourself plenty of space and quiet so you can hear them clearly.


Finding the point where you're still you and yet also part of this couple can be tricky. You need some time to yourself so you can figure it out. Solitude is important. It's where you ask questions and get answers.


Perhaps you're not expecting too much of your partner. In fact, you might not be expecting enough. It's important to have standards for you and the people in your life (without being a taskmaster, that is).

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!