Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 28, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Competition is in your blood. When you win, you're elated, but when you lose, watch out! Have a good time playing the game with your partner instead of wishing for a trophy.


Tolerance of your partner's annoying habits is crucial if you want to continue as a couple. That means no nagging about snoring or nail-biting. It's the bigger issues you should care about.


A sharp wit is your calling card, but a kind heart is what's needed in your current relationship. Keep your comments in check and lead with compassion.


To make a relationship last, you need more than passion. Genuine friendship between kindred spirits helps keep the flame of love flickering long after the honeymoon period wears off.


Your warm smile and friendly nature are exactly what made your partner fall for you in the first place. Before you say one word, show off that sexy grin to show them how happy you are to be in love.

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Bragging about how great your relationship is could invite an onslaught of envy among your friends and family. Be proud of your life. Just don't rub it in!


No one likes to be pulled around in a relationship tug-of-war. Lately it seems you're the peacemaker between friends and your partner. Ask them politely to settle their disputes without you from now on.


Running yourself ragged? Lately you've been a stress magnet, and it shows. Let your partner pamper you. If you don't give yourself a chance to relax, you'll both regret it.


Instead of revealing your true feelings about someone special, you've been distracting them with attention-getting stunts. Be honest with yourself and confess what your heart has been hinting at all along.


The grass is always greener on the other side, but you still have to mow it. Don't compare your relationship with those of your friends. Not everything is as perfect as it seems.


Constant interruptions on your limited couple time are starting to grate on your nerves. Turn off all phones and find a quiet place to be alone with your partner.


Drama is better left in the theater. Refrain from adding undue conflict to your life simply because things are going so well romantically. Don't sabotage a great relationship for fear of getting hurt.

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