Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 26, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Dial it down a notch, at least for now. Your charm is formidable, you know. Keeping it low-key might be more enticing to your partner than pyrotechnics.


Boost your spirits by giving yourself a sensual surprise. Maybe that means a hike in the countryside, or a luxurious day at a spa. Tell your partner you need some downtime. They'll understand.


Maybe your partner has made some other plans. If that's the case, cut them a little slack. After all, you can't spend every moment of every day together. That's no way to keep the love alive.


Feeling a little bit like you and your partner are in your own reality show? Kindly tell the gawkers, including any friends and family, that while their concern is very sweet, it isn't totally necessary.


You two turtledoves haven't stopped cooing at each other for days. Enjoy this lovin' feeling, but make sure that you let friends and family know that you haven't dropped off the planet.

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Assuming that you know what your partner's reaction will be to this might make a you-know-what out of you. Even though you know them inside and out, let them make up their own mind, okay?


Welcome to Pleasantville. Population: two. The stars have handed you and your partner a blissful day filled with sweetness, light, and lots of romance. Enjoy it to the fullest!


Sometimes you learn something surprising about your partner that adds a whole new layer of meaning to your relationship. Isn't it nice that there's so much to discover about each other?


The one you love is simply in awe as they watch you work the room. And of course, you being you, you end up talking to exactly the right person at exactly the right time.


A pair of seasoned sailors like you and your partner can weather any squall. So go ahead and stock up on supplies, batten down the hatches, and share some salty yarns with each other.


It's easy to get into a routine, which can be lovely and comforting. However, a little change in the status quo can give you and your partner a sense of what you've been missing for a while.


You and your partner need to toss out what isn't working in your relationship and get some new procedures in place. What you've got is too good, so don't let old habits mess it up, okay?

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