Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 12, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Be up front about what's important to you. Directness is part of what makes your relationship work. If you keep that principle handy and act on it regularly, you can improve the current situation more rapidly than you thought possible.


You can bury yourself in your work, but that won't make the current issue in your relationship easier to deal with. The thought of dealing with this problem is far more frightening than the actual thing itself. So deal with it already!


Take care of your primary needs before you and your partner move on to the nonessentials. It helps if you make a list. (And, yes, you should check it twice, if only to make sure you don't have to backtrack.)


Does this difference of opinion really signify what you think it does? On the issues that count over the long run, you two are sweetly and smoothly compatible.


Remember how Mary Poppins makes her entrance on an umbrella? You and your partner are about to conquer equally dazzling and unconventional breakthroughs, both separately and together. What fun!

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Sometimes a heavy situation has only one proper response: laughter. Your partner might be shocked, but once you start they'll see the seriously funny side of this. Get your giggle on and your outlook will change.


At work you might be the boss (or close to it), but at home you need to take a more collaborative approach. It's hard remembering to switch gears, but the effort is worth it to keep the peace.


It's tempting to let love leak into your work life, but taking calls and cooing in baby talk over the phone doesn't do a lot for your professional standing. The two of you are better off with a little privacy.


It can be tough when other couples are all taking the next step, but you're not sure if you and your partner are ready for it. Don't let yourselves be pressured into something that's not right for you two.


Figuring out the right balance between work and love can be a tricky puzzle. The nice thing with this conundrum is that you can refit and play with the pieces as you like. There's no preset formula.


Are you getting the wrong answers from your partner because you've been asking the wrong questions? Think about what you really need to know. Rephrase the question so you get a reply that addresses your concerns.


You two have put in a ton of effort, so why not sit back and see what comes of all your hard work? Think about it in gardening terms. You've planted the seed, tilled the soil, and watered the ground. Now watch it grow.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!