Your Daily Couples Horoscope for December 04, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


If you decide today is the day to replant the rose garden, renovate the kitchen, and design a new living room, your partner will support you. Right to the end.


Sometimes you just feel totally, utterly odd. And sometimes it's your partner who's being a big weirdo. Today, it could be both of you. Find the bright side of the situation!


The stars say your attachment might require a little renegotiation right now. Think about it as building something together. You're shoring up the foundation to make sure it's as sturdy as can be.


Well, what do you think you have your brain for? You have a tricky relationship problem, and you and your partner are going to have to put on your thinking caps to figure out the solution.


Sometimes your partner does something that upsets you, and sometimes you do things that upset them, but neither of you means to upset the other. The solution? Calm down. Then talk about it.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Experiment. Whether you're navigating emotions or trying to save water doing the dishes by hand, go ahead and give something new a shot. You just might learn something.


Today, it's kind of like your partner is wearing a big teleprompter on their forehead with their thoughts flashing across it. That is, you're so in tune it's like you can read their mind!


Your partner is likely looking to you for an answer, but the situation could warrant further exploration. Draw them out and continue the dialogue rather than giving a definitive yes or no.


When they're talking, keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth closed. When you respond, you should do your best to enunciate. You'll learn a lot about your partner today.


If something isn't working for you two, why not just change it? It's a heck of a lot better than just shutting up about it or putting up with it!


You have lots of demands coming at you from work, so if your partner's asking you for something, it could feel like an additional (if totally unrelated) burden. Explain yourself rather than just say no.


Today, do your best to stay open to change. If you wake up and want English muffins but your partner bought bagels, have a nice bagel! You can apply the same attitude to the bigger stuff too.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!