Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 22, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


In the past, convention has left you feeling stifled, which is why you demand that this relationship be anything but tried-and-true. You love the stimulation and excitement of always trying something new.


All these years you thought you were a fresh-faced ingenue, and actually you're a sexy stunner. Your sweetheart is delighted when you come to a true understanding of yourself. Hey, you're thrilled too.


Move cautiously right now, especially when it comes to your partner's easily bruised feelings. While they normally love your quick wit, it may come off as sarcasm or nitpicking. "Gentleness" is your keyword.


The object of your affection can sometimes be a mystery. Rather than kick up a fuss, be grateful. Think how boring and routine your relationship would be if you knew absolutely everything about each other.


Your loved one feels like they're in the right and is as tenacious as a bull about it. Usually you admire their staying power, but right now it has you on the defensive. It might be time to let this go for your peace of mind.

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Not everything has to have a purpose. You've been so goal driven these days that you've forgotten how to have fun in this relationship. Keep the stakes low and you'll enjoy yourself tremendously.


Happy developments in your relationship lead to greater satisfaction throughout other areas of your life. Don't be surprised if you receive public accolades for a good deed you performed recently.


You feel like you should know all the answers to this relationship, but that's simply an illusion, and one that you need to get rid of pronto. Rushing your mental and emotional processes won't help, so slow down.


You want to push yourself even harder, but that's not the answer right now. Love is the best balm for your wounded soul. Tell your partner that you could use an extra dose of some tender loving care.


Being supportive of your partner doesn't mean just saying yes to anything and everything they say. Speaking your piece with honesty, kindness, and good intentions is even more valuable input.


If something isn't working the way you thought it would in this relationship, it's time to change your frame of reference. Maybe you need to get closer. Maybe you need to back away. Maybe a change of scenery is key.


Your way with words is powerful, but your partner may feel as if you're preaching to the choir. Are you pushing your personal beliefs on them? If so, take a look at your forceful tactics and back down.

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