Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 20, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


The effort you've put into building a strong relationship is paying off. A minor squabble with your partner will fizzle out almost as soon as it starts. You're too in tune with each other to stay mad.


If there's ever been a time to explore your sensual side with your partner, this is it! You're both in the mood for love and feeling more adventurous than usual. Let your imagination lead the way.


When your life is busy, it's easy to fall out of touch with friends. Make them your priority today. Your partner will understand that you need time to catch up with these people you care about.


An especially vivid dream has inspired you. Can you turn your fantasies into reality? You can! Don't be shy. Tell you partner all about it. They'll love the chance to make this one come true.


When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes there is no right or wrong answer. If you and your partner disagree about what to do, you'll have to make up the rules together.

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What's the secret ingredient for a great working partnership? The truth is that there is no one right recipe. Every couple has their own special mix. It's up to you two to find yours.


Are you feeling nostalgic about an old romance? It's fun for a while, but pay more attention to what you have now. You've got several other things (like your partner) that merit your attention.


Your attraction to your partner is especially powerful right now. In fact, you may find it hard to be away from them at all. Make the best use of today and be together as much as you can.


When you spend a lot of time focused on the big picture, sometimes you lose sight of the little things. Take some time to acknowledge all the small ways your partner makes you happy.


Everything's going smoothly between you two, so naturally you're suspicious of what the stars might have in store. Instead of worrying, try to enjoy this lovely stretch on the highway of life.


An issue that you thought had been resolved has come up again. Spend some time with your loved one figuring out what you want to do about it. Are you ready to settle it for good?


It's true that you and your partner experience the same event in very different ways. This isn't a problem. It's actually a source of strength. Just acknowledge that the differences exist.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.