Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 17, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Even though there's something about your partner that is going to irk you in a big way today, you need to hold your tongue until later. It will be way too easy for things to blow out of proportion.


You're more attracted to your sweetie than ever, and now is a great time for the two of you to go out on a date -- or stay in and get reacquainted. Your good energy will sweep them off their feet.


You may need to advise your sweetie on something they're usually the expert in, but you should be able to put a positive spin on it. They might be more down-to-earth than you are now.


You may want to sit your partner down for a chat -- not about big, relationship-defining issues, but just a friendly visit. If it's been a while, you might be surprised at what each of you has missed out on.


Your partner will need to be the wild one today, if they're not already. You're recharging your batteries and will need a little more time before you can really get back to the inspired madness.

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It's a great day to help your partner by tidying up after them -- even if they're ordinarily against it. You'll show them that life can be easier for both of you if everyone lightens up a little.


It's a great night for the two of you to go out on a double date or hit a party. Your social energy will keep you both motivated, even if your sweetie is preoccupied or feeling a little shy.


You need to throw yourself into planning for whatever big event or trip the two of you have coming up. Fortunately, your mental energy is perfectly suited to doing just that at the moment.


Your partner might get on your nerves more than usual, but you're used to occasional bouts of weirdness from time to time. Try to make sure that you take it in stride -- don't make things tense.


You are feeling much more in touch with the reality of the situation, and you may want to ease your partner into a clearer understanding. You'll come even closer together and should be able to move forward quickly.


You're feeling more sure of yourself today and are better able to take little emotional risks. It's a good sign, and you should feel more confident that this relationship is one that could last.


If you've got a problem with your sweetie, you may be able to solve it by speaking with someone else. Try that first -- you'll be surprised how much just evaporates like steam when you start talking.

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