Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 10, 2021

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


No less an authority than your mother (or a momlike figure) has pronouncements to offer about your relationship. Listen politely, but you're an adult -- at this point, you can decide if it's relevant or not.


Your sweetheart is doing their darnedest to cheer you up, but you're bound and determined to hold onto this mood. Let yourself see the absurdity of it, and you might be tempted to laugh all on your own.


Persuade yourself to share the glory with your darling. After all, you know they deserve it. The fact that the gesture will come unprompted will mean twice as much. It sets a good precedent for the future, too.


It's all too marvelous for words, but if anyone can find the best way to approximate these feelings in language, it's you. Try setting them to music while you're at it. (Sounds corny, but it's awfully effective.)


Being miserly with your emotional resources isn't your style, but the stars say you need to hold a little back, or you'll be returning to your darling feeling drained. Learn to say no and really mean it.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞


You know the importance of sugar-coating something, especially when you realize how important the substance of the matter is. So add a dollop of sweetness and the message will make its way to its destination much more quickly.


Families can be the best kind of obligations, but they can also be a lot to handle if you're not prepared. If you need a time-out from this round, tell your sweetie and see if they can pick up the slack for you instead.


Remember how when you were a kid your mom told you not to pick at scabs? Well, that advice applies to old emotional wounds, too. Try to figure out why this desire to revisit the past is coming up.


The emotional currency in this relationship can be tough to figure out right now, especially when you're not sure where to make withdrawals and deposits. It would help if you and your sweetheart made your policies clear.


You and your darling know what you want and how you want it, which is key. However, it's just as important to learn how to improvise and adapt. Then you can face the future with a brave and hopeful heart.


Family matters are front and center, whether it's yours, your darling's or a combination of both. Expect the boundaries between all of these different units to blend, or at the very least, to shift.


Advice from people who have been there before is just what you need when you and your sweetie hit a rough patch. Digging at old wounds, however, is just counterproductive. Take positive action.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!