Your Daily Couples Horoscope for April 01, 2023

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Busy as a bee? Slow down from your usual activities and spend some quality time relaxing with your partner. Appreciate the downtime before the flurry of your usual activities resumes.


Share your latest wacky idea with your partner. Eccentricity can prove exciting to your mate, who might feel stuck in a rut. Give your off-the-wall thoughts a chance to inspire.


Now is a good time for deep thought regarding your relationship. Is it everything you want? Think about what you desire and ask for it. Don't wait for fate to make decisions for you.


If you feel trapped in a dark place today, call on your partner to let in the light. Confide in them when you feel low. Don't keep sad thoughts to yourself. Eventually the fog will lift.


Just because you're out of sight doesn't mean you're out of mind. However, the more you cling to your partner, the more you might seem out of your mind altogether! Trust is key.

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Change up your usual couple routine with a new activity you've both been longing to try. Make a list of all the things you've been itching to do and go for it.


Working and living together may seem like the ultimate goal, but be careful what you wish for. There's something to be said for having time away from each other.


Unexpected outbursts from your partner may have nothing to do with you. Stressful circumstances often manifest in destructive behavior. Tell your partner what you will and won't stand for.


Explore the wackier side of your partner's personality. Have a grand time getting to know what makes them smile. Laughter lightens the mood that may linger from past conflicts.


Promises of quick fixes to relationship problems often sound too good to be true. Patience and compromise are your best bets when confronting issues head-on.


The qualities that make your partner the most attractive are at full potency today. Spend some quality cuddle time together and give in to your frisky side! Meow!


When you're open to change, new and exciting circumstances present themselves. Talk over your next course of action with your partner. Good fortune awaits you both.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.