Your Daily CatScope for September 27, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You can't quite seem to catch anything or anyone today -- but that's not such a big deal. You may need to just let that bug live for one more day. After all, you can be merciful when you want to be.


You may have to show one of your human pals just what you think about them -- and it's likely to be really sweet! It's a great time for you to cuddle all day, or play silly games like you did when you were first born.


Emotions are running high today, so you may expect a bit of a glitch when you try to deal with a feline friend, or even a human! It should all work out, as the positive tends to outweigh the negative.


Try your best to be even more careful than usual today -- other cats and furry critters all over are trying to get some kind of advantage over you! If you're on your own, things should be fine.


You're not safe from other cats' machinations today -- they may want to disrupt your top cat status, or steal your kibble or try something equally nefarious. It's up to you to stop them!

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Don't be too surprised when other folks bust out with ideas or rules that you can't get behind. It's one of those days when you know for sure that you're right and everyone else is wrong!


It's a time of pretty crazy changes in your life, but you don't mind so much this once. You can handle furniture rearranging, new kibble and even new humans or other critters in the mix!


If you get to go outside, you should expect more new human friends than you know what to do with -- they can't say no to rubbing your belly or just scratching behind the ears. You're irresistible!


You may need to spend the day lost on thought -- things are pretty weird right now, and you really want to figure out why. The humans are no help, but another kitty might offer a big clue.


You can easily see what's really going on around the house today -- it's one of those days when things are lined up to your advantage, and you know that your point of view is the right one!


Something -- or, more likely, someone -- gets in between you and your goal today, and you just need to slow down and accept that things are the way they are. You can deal with it all later.


It's a sure bet that you're in over your head today -- but you're okay with that! It's a good time for you to hang back and watch the other kitties (or other critters) square off and match wits.

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