Your Daily CatScope for September 06, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Something serious pops up to freak you out -- though it's not as bad as you think it is at first. Maybe that big, mean dog is actually a sweetie-pie, or maybe the empty food dish is about to be refilled.


Your social energy is strong and vibrant now and you may feel like doing nothing more than just hanging out with your friends and family members -- anyone with whom you're already comfortable.


You're pretty serious and focused today -- which may worry the humans to no end! Try not to raise any alarms, but you ought to be able to get your important business done by the end of the day.


You just can't keep your mind on any one thing today -- but that's cool, because it's not like you've got deadlines. Let yourself flit from place to place like a hummingbird and enjoy the energy!


You're not especially social right now, though you'll accept a few pats or scratches and might even curl up in a warm lap, if the mood strikes you. You don't feel much like showing off, though.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You may not like the way things have been going lately, but complaining will only make them worse! The time is right to sit quietly and think your kitty thoughts -- you need to bide your time.


All you want is to settle into your regular routine of eating, playing and napping -- but someone else has other ideas! You may need to deal with a pesky kitten or an overly solicitous human.


You're a love bug today, thanks to your amazingly good emotional energy. The humans should be especially receptive, though pretty much anyone will be grateful for your purring attention.


You can't get your motor running today, no matter how much you chow down -- or how much catnip you play with! It's just one of those slow days that seems to pop up every now and then.


You find a creative way to get your point across to the humans and while they may not get it at first, eventually they'll come around to your point of view. Be patient -- sometimes they're not as smart as you!


It's one of those days that could go on a lot longer than you want it to -- not because it's so bad, but because you get so tired, so quickly! If you need to sleep through the afternoon and evening, so be it!


You're totally connected to the people, kitties and other critters in your life right now and your good energy should make them at least a bit more interested in you, too. Play together or just take naps nearby.

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