Your Daily CatScope for October 28, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You are feeling a little crazy -- crazier than usual, that is! See if you can spend some extra time with your best human buddy or someone else who can bring you back down to earth where you belong.


Your good energy is helping you to understand things going on around the house that have always mystified you. It might be a good time to go in search of clues, now that you can make sense of them.


Life isn't as easy as usual for you right now, so see if you can find a good spot to just relax and try to enjoy what you can. Thing should pick up for you in a big way as early as tomorrow!


If you live with other kitties, they might be trouble today -- but that just means you need to slow down and avoid making a scene. You may want to take a nice, long nap somewhere quiet!


Your ego could be a problem today, so you need to be sure that you're not too heavily invested in any particular game or lap or snack -- it's all good, as far as you're concerned. Let someone else take the fall!

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You're kind of a complainer today, which might get on someone's nerves if you push it too far! Try to spend at least a little energy on creative pursuits, like chasing your tail, rather than just carping.


The boss of the house is on your case today, thanks to a mess you made or some other problem that's been pinned on you. Try not to fight back too hard -- that will only confirm your guilt!


You're number one when it comes to the house you live in and the other residents know it. They may not show it, though, but that's okay with you -- your ego can accept almost anything today.


You are feeling much less adventurous than usual and might not go outside if even it's a lovely day and the humans are amenable. You're not sick, most likely -- you just need time to yourself.


It's one of those days that feels just about perfect! You'd like nothing more than to just sit peacefully purring and enjoy it, but you may get a bit of attention from the humans. That's not so bad.


It's the perfect day to find a sweet spot and stay there, just napping and washing and stretching out occasionally to keep your muscles trim. Heavy activity just doesn't suit you now!


Your fellow furballs have got your back today, so if you think you're in trouble, just wait for one of them to bail you out. If you ' re the only one in the house, you may need to call a human!

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