Your Daily CatScope for October 27, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You may be tempted to run around a little too quickly today -- but if you do, you're sure to take a spill! Try to slow down and take things one at a time, so you can make it without any accidents.


If you sit still long enough, you'll start to see the world in the same way that the humans do. That might be disconcerting at first, but you'll soon come to appreciate them for their big ideas.


You've got to really try things today in order to figure out the way things are going. It may be that your theories are wrong! Of course, you'll never know for sure until you run a few experiments.


Don't be too surprised in the humans in your family are confused about what you really want -- they can't understand feline speak very well right now! That just means you need to try a little harder.


Pay careful attention to what everyone is up to today -- there's a lot more going on than meets the eye. Once you're sure you've got the skinny, you will know just what to do to make it all right.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


You have big dreams and you are just a wee bit closer to making them come true today. That could mean that you need to do something that seems a little naughty, but eventually you'll be forgiven.


You're in a really weird mood today, which could just mean that you're spacey and prone to sudden nap attacks -- or it could mean that you're extra-ornery and more prone to sudden snaps!


Your good energy makes it easy for you to get along with pretty much anyone you meet -- even scary dogs or idiotic kittens who think they're so smart. Just let your eyes twinkle and everyone's happy.


Do you live with younger cats? If so, now is the time to teach them a little life lesson about food and scarfing and why you should save some for later. If not, enjoy what you've learned over the kitty years.


You finally catch that toy or mouse or bug or whatever it is you've been stalking for a while. It's a good time to take pride in your accomplishments and see if anyone else has noticed.


Don't fight back against the energy of the day -- it's just more powerful than you are, hard as that may be to believe and should end up sweeping you into a not-so-bad place if you relax.


You've got a key human admirer who is going to make everything okay for you today, no matter how weird it seems to get early on. Just close your eyes and wait for the cavalry to show up!

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