Your Daily CatScope for October 21, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You just want to be left alone today and that's just what's going to happen -- as long as you find a good place to perch, or even to hide out. Like any performer, you can't be on every single day.


You are a bit more sensitive than usual to the emotional ebb and flow in the household. You should try to relax and find a spot from which you can see everything happen -- there's no need to act!


You need to think things through today, because little mistakes could add up to big-time trouble if you're not extra-careful. The humans are watching more closely, so just go slowly and see what happens.


It's perfectly okay for you to step back and let the other kitties have their fun today. If your intuition is sending you warning signals, you should pay attention to them and just enjoy your safe home.


You need to avoid accepting everything at face value today -- people and kitties have more on their minds than what they're telling you. That doesn't mean things are dangerous, though!

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Your emotions are much stronger than usual right now and they may be driving you in odd new directions. Don't fight them -- they're stronger than you, though you've got a strong backbone, puss!


Things are changing around the house and while you're not totally sure you're in favor of them -- cats aren't big proponents of change -- this time, it might pay off to reserve judgment for a little while.


Your good energy is flowing from the tip of your nose to the end of your tail and probably making life a lot more intense. Things might feel this way for a few days, so enjoy it!


Your active imagination is incredibly attractive to the humans today, so make sure that you get some play time in while you're running around doing your regular business. They'll thank you!


You are feeling pretty good about what's going on in your life today and ought to be able to share those feelings with your main human pal. Things are looking up, so give them a good, long purr.


You've got a deep need to make yourself useful to the humans today -- so make sure that you're always nearby, just in case they need you. If they think you're underfoot, that just means you're on the right foot.


Now is a really good time to start new things -- so if you've been eying that new toy or new bed, now is the time to try it out. Your good energy practically guarantees a good match!

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!