Your Daily CatScope for October 09, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You may find that the world is a bit out of step with you -- it's certainly not the other way around! Something is wrong with the way you're fed or some other small thing, but you'll get over it soon enough.


It's a good time for you to just nap and snack and play -- there's nothing serious that needs your feline attention today. Your positive energy should convince at least one other to join you in your decadence!


You're tempted to hang out by the food bowl all day long, but it's not going to fill itself! Try to run around and have a good time with your feline friends or toys -- the kibble will always be there when you need it!


Get crazy today -- make those humans really question your sanity! You're full of powerful energy and you need to shake things up at least a little, or you just won't feel right about the day.


You're on a mission to impose your will on the smaller critters in the house. Of course, if you happen to be the smallest, you're out of luck -- but that doesn't mean you can't make a good case for your desires.

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There's a lot you don't understand yet, but some of that is about to change. Poke around the house looking for clues until you stumble on the big secret that helps you start to put it all together.


You're more focused than usual and the humans may find it amusing how you stare and stare out the window or at that crack in the wall. They don't see what you see, but you might be able to give them a glimpse.


Your desires are fierce and strong now and that could mean that you're up against the humans for food, toys or attention. You may not be proud of your tactics, but they seem absolutely crucial.


You're obsessing over tiny details today for some reason and that could mean that you're chasing bugs or hunting ghosts. The humans and other critters are staring at you, trying to figure out what you're doing!


Your good energy is pushing you just a bit -- which is a nice change, really. You want to either make amends with someone you've offended recently or try to help a human friend who's in need.


Something from the past pops up again and takes you by surprise. It could be an old nemesis from the neighborhood, or maybe a human pal who hardly ever comes over any more. Keep an eye open!


Your hunting instincts are engaged and if you're allowed outside you might just catch something tasty. You might not want to share this one with your human friends, though -- it's all yours!

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙