Your Daily CatScope for November 22, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got a lot going on under the surface today, and it may be that you need to step up and see if people can just leave you alone long enough for you to sort it all out. You get back to business as usual soon.


If you stare at that wall hard enough, maybe it will come down and let you out to run around and frolic. The odds are low, but your intense energy guarantees that you can outlast mere physical objects.


It's easier than ever for you to step up and make your human servants take notice -- but unfortunately, they are prone to seeing the worst case scenario! They may think you're sick and take you to the vet.


Life feels larger than life today -- how could that be? Maybe your humans are going through turmoil, or maybe you all are. In any case, you've got the chops to handle it all with style.


Someone close to you is going through some seriously weird business right now and you might need to step up and figure them out. It's a good day to look at people and kitties more deeply.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


You need to tell your human pals just what is going on -- they almost certainly don't have a single clue between them! See if you can get the message out through yowling or playing charades.


If you're napping, dive in so deeply that your human pals get worried. If you're eating, channel your fierce predator ancestors and growl at any interlopers. Whatever you do, do it all the way!


You're a pretty intense kitty even on your down days, and right now you are turned all the way on! It's a really good time for you to step up and show your human friends what it means to be alive!


Let your dreams be your guide today -- if they tell you to hunt, then hunting is on your agenda! Even if they seem cryptic or weird, you should do your best to live them out in front of the humans.


You've got more power than you know what to do with, and today you are feeling really great about your abilities. It's a good day to show off in front of the humans or other lesser critters.


What's the most important thing going on in your world today? Whatever it is, attack it with the full force and vigor of a feline in its prime -- you've got all the energy you need to succeed!


You need to be just a bit edgier than usual today, skirting around anything that seems like it's a little out of the ordinary. You can get back to being more reckless as early as tomorrow, though!

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