Your Daily CatScope for November 19, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Try to get inside someone's head today and figure out what they really want. It may not be all that hard, really, so open up and see how long it takes to make the humans think you've got psychic powers!


You've got a routine that you like to stick to day in and day out -- but today, you feel like spicing it up a bit! Your human companions may wonder what you're up to, but there's no need to explain.


You're running off in a million different directions at once today, but that doesn't mean that you're not having fun! If anything, you're having too much fun, but it shouldn't hurt you later.


You're feeling more active than ever today, so get out there and prance around! Your friends should be up for something, though you may have to watch out to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.


Someone needs your special attention -- you may need to make muffins for an extra long time, or just ensure that the right person or kitty knows how you feel about them. It's all great fun!

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


You're not out of energy -- you just can't make up your mind what to do next! It's a good day for you to just laze around and let the humans or other critters in your life call all the shots.


Let that special someone know how you feel -- it could be almost anything, but most likely you're warm and fuzzy metaphorically as well as literally. One human in particular deserves your love.


You don't have to win every time -- in fact, often it makes sense for you to slink away in the hopes of luring your friends, foes or prey into a false sense of security. Today is one of those days!


Your friends are all amazed at your antics today -- you may have pulled off something really huge -- and they are showing their appreciation in the sweetest ways! It's good to be the center of attention.


You are feeling quite sophisticated right now, and that almost certainly means that you've got the humans where you want them. You may be leading the way without them even realizing it!


Reach out to your human friends today -- even if they've been out of touch themselves lately. Your great social energy means you can bridge almost any gaps and make any grudges go away.


Someone owes you big-time, and you need to collect ASAP! It may be tough, especially if it's a human or some bigger critter, but you might be able to find a sneaky way to get what's yours.

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