Your Daily CatScope for November 15, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Spend some quality time with a close friend -- human, feline or otherwise. Your amazing energy should pin them down so you can soak up some warmth and goodness from them with great ease.


Your desires are getting in the way of someone else's needs today -- and that could lead to a huge battle! You may not be up for pushing it all the way to the end, so see if you can just go for a draw.


Your big brain is still quite active today, though you may find that you would rather deal with things in a quieter manner. Just lie down somewhere comfy and let your gray mater work!


Think hard about what is coming up soon -- you may forget exactly when the humans are due back, but you can at least think about what you want to do with them when they do eventually return.


You can say no to almost anything today -- tuna, catnip, even a warm lap! Your ability to do exactly what you want might make other envious, but you can't help it if you're so awesome!

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You're just a wee bit too rigid today, and that might strain things between you and the humans in your life. Do your best to see things their way, even if it means a bit of compromise.


See if you can get your friends -- human and otherwise -- to see that the little details right in front of you don't really matter all that much. It's a good day for you to romp way ahead of them!


You need a new challenge -- and one is coming soon! You may find that your humans need you to follow a new rule or that a neighborhood kitty steps up and challenges you for your territory.


You are feeling the itch to hit the road and wander for a while -- at least until mealtime! Your great energy means you should meet all sorts of cool people and critters while you're out.


It's one of those days when you really need to make sure that you're getting some time to yourself. The humans -- or at least one of them -- are probably trying to get you to play a little too much.


Listen carefully to those around you -- even if you can't understand the language! You may need to experiment a little in order to really get what they are trying to tell you, but you kitty brain can't fail.


Just let the people in your life live out their dramas -- you are an observer today! If you just intervene, expect to be shown the door, or whatever your humans do when they can't handle your advice.

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