Your Daily CatScope for May 21, 2024

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Your amazing personal energy is driving you to ever greater heights of feline success -- and the other kitties are getting jealous! That's not such a bad thing, but you may find that you have to slow down.


You're in no mood for nonsense today -- you'd much rather roll around, stretch out and relax, preferably outside. Your earthy nature is dominant today, and it makes life more fun!


You may wonder 'why bother?' at some point today, and for good reason -- it feels as if you've gone off the rails! But if your human friends can help, then you've got a shot at making things work.


You're under the couch and staying there until you feel safe! It's a good thing your humans are so understanding, or they might wonder if they're doing something to drive you away.


Your self-confidence is quite high today -- too high, some might say! It could end up getting you in trouble if you decide to go for a mighty leap or take some other risk that doesn't quite pan out.

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You think you're trying something new, but you're actually just going through the same old motions. The good part is that your routines are perfectly lovely, but someone close might feel left out.


You're stuck in old thinking today, but that's not so bad -- your human pals might be in the same boat! It's a good time to just kick back, relax and try to enjoy the time you've got together now.


Your willpower is unquestioned -- but today, you might need to force the issue with one of your human friends or another kitty. You can overcome them, but you think showing your claws is tacky.


Your way of seeing the world is your very own, and you can tell that people really want you to move further and explore that side of yourself. The humans can wait while you do your own thing.


You can just sit back and let all your feline plans come to fruition, but the odds are good that you're just restless enough to snap into action. Now is a good time for you to let others in on your secret.


You're feeling held back in some important way -- maybe literally, if the humans have locked a door or shut you in an enclosed space for some reason. You can yowl all you want, but things don't change until tomorrow.


You are feeling a bit strange about something that happened recently -- but it was good for you, so try not to worry about it. Sometimes the humans pull the strings behind your back.

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