Your Daily CatScope for May 13, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


If you aren't active all day long, you feel as if you're wasting your time. It's one thing to take a short rest between adventures, but it's another entirely to stay cooped up somewhere boring!


You can take all day if you want -- there's no rush! Despite what other kitties or even humans may be trying to tell you, it's important for you to slow down and make up your mind with the greatest care.


You know plenty of folks -- humans, kitties and other critters -- and should make the rounds as best you can to say hello to as many of them as you can. Today is perfect for brief socializing!


Someone bigger than you thinks that means they get to boss you around -- and, sadly, they may be right! Take it while you have to, but let them know that you're unhappy with the situation.


You're having too much fun to worry about anything other than what's right in front of you -- so go with it! Your furry friends are even more pleasant to be around than usual and are glad to see you.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


Your energy is pretty zippy right now and you should be able to get away with almost anything! Your human pals have their own stuff going on and you are all over the place with your crazy schemes.


You are all business today and might have to sneak off when someone is talking to you -- but you can't understand them anyway! Go take care of it and then you should be set for the rest of the day.


Sometimes you let things slide, but then there are days like today, when you obsess over every tiny detail. It's a good time for you to focus on stalking bugs or shredding papers.


You need to deal with someone who's not in the mood for fun and games -- until you've hung around for a while, that is! See if you can get people to loosen up and play along with you!


It's the end of an era in some way and that could mean that you've got some spare time on your paws Try to enjoy the quiet energy, but other folks might be a bit more frantic than you are.


Your huge brain is pumping out hot ideas at a prodigious rate -- it's too bad you can't write them down! It's one of those days when you just might figure out a big human secret, too!


You're enjoying a slow day -- even while your friends and family are all rushing around madly! Let them do their business on their own time, while you watch and wait out this phase.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.