Your Daily CatScope for May 13, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


It's easy for you to work people today -- so go for it! Someone close has a soft spot for your wiles and you ought to be able to get extra snacks or almost anything else out of them today.


It's a great day! Enjoy the sunbeams or the new toys -- whatever it is that comes your way, you should find it easy to weave into your big kitty plans. People are easier to get along with, too!


Hey, what happened? Suddenly, your best buddy decides that they're in charge of you and bundles you into the car or bars you from one of your favorite places. Authority can be hard, can't it?


You are out on the edges of feline behavior today and you kind of like it! Maybe the humans are a little worried to see you in such an extreme mood, but you'll come back down to earth soon.


If you don't get what you want today, you might just find that you're screaming and crying and throwing a fit -- just like a baby kitten! It might be kind of embarrassing after a while, but you'll get over it.

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It's a day filled with fun activities -- even napping can be a blast to you! Enjoy what you've got and try to share your great energy with friends and family, because it's better in a group.


You are acutely aware of your limitations today -- the ones imposed on you by the humans and their insane rules. Somehow, you need to make sure that you're breaking them a little today.


You can tell that things are lined up in your favor -- but now isn't the time to show off! You need to make sure that everything stays the same for the time being, until you're ready to act!


You may be feeling a bit quieter than usual and might enjoy listening to normal house noises -- or even that crazy caterwauling that the humans call music. It's a sweet, slow day for you.


Try not to worry too much about whether or not you're getting the recognition you deserve for protecting the house -- the humans know all about your skills and won't let you down with insufficient praise.


Try to keep yourself on track today, because otherwise you may just feel confused and ornery. It's a good day to pick one activity -- say, grooming -- and stick to it until you're completely finished.


Something small that you do for one of the humans today -- maybe just brushing up against their leg with a purr -- sets them straight about life and helps them see what's really going on.

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