Your Daily CatScope for May 09, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Something about the social mix of your household is making you purr in a big way. There could be a new addition whom you really like, or maybe you are just realizing that you're the top cat!


Have you ever had one of those days when all you want to do is sit somewhere warm and think your fuzzy thoughts? Today is just like that and you ought to get a lot out of pondering the universe.


You're usually more open to change than other kitties, but today you seem to have closed up. Try to look at the new possibility a little differently -- the humans want only the best for you.


All you want to do is help out with the cleaning or cooking or whatever those humans are doing, but they may not see your efforts as productive. Keep it up until they kick you out -- it's the least you can do!


You may not be racing around like a crazy cat, but you've definitely got a lot of energy today. If you're prowling around outside, you might find some new critter to stalk or maybe a new playmate.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Even if it's a trip to the vet, you need to relax and let the humans do what they think is best -- for now. You can go back to your monarchical ways in the near future, so don't worry about shaking things up.


Your kitty philosophy needs a few extra chapters added to it and that's just what you feel like doing today. Sit and stare off into space, thinking through the various ramifications of your presence on earth.


Hey -- your human pal is offering you a treat, or an unexpected session with your favorite toy! Wait a minute, though, it seems that they've got a hidden agenda and you might end up in the tub. Oh well.


Today is the best possible day to play with friends of all species. Your good energy is a big draw and you've got a million ideas for new games or just new ways of enjoying your surroundings together.


You are in perfect form when stalking or pouncing on prey, even if it's just a ratty old stuffed toy. If you're chasing after something (or someone), you'll find that you're much faster than usual lately.


Someone new comes to visit -- and maybe to stay! Change isn't always all that great for kitties, but you can tell that this is going to be different. Keep it positive and you should have a great time!


Slow down just a bit and keep yourself from acting impulsively, if possible. It's not that you're in any danger, it's just that you're more prone to embarrassment -- and who wants to go through that?

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!