Your Daily CatScope for May 07, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


If things start to get weird today -- and there's a good chance they will -- you need to step up and just face them like a tough cat rather than a mewling kitten. Keep all four feet on the ground!


There's nothing you want more than to mess around outside, but weather or human rules might get in the way. Barring that, you should investigate houseplants or other reminders of the great outdoors!


You find even the simplest tasks to be harder than usual and you should try to keep yourself from taking on too much at once. It's a good day for you to just take a long nap in the closet, actually!


You're having some troubles with your fellow felines. If you're on your own, then things should be pretty good for you, but if not, you may have to fend them off as they try to bully you.


You really love a new game or activity that you just invented, but you might need to calm down about it a bit. Other folks might get bored too easily, so try to keep up with their interests, too!

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You're feeling the need to spend lots of time with your friends today -- preferably all curled up in a giant ball of purring! However it works, though, you should find others willing to hang out.


You need to be even warier than usual today -- if that's even possible! Maybe you just need to keep watch over the entrance to your home or maybe you need to go on patrol to see who's out there.


You're starting all sorts of fun and games today and your friends and family couldn't be happier that you're around! You need to make sure that you're including everyone, if it's at all possible.


You're still feeling rather low-energy and might decide to just kick back and let the humans do all the world today, rather than trying to help. Why not? You deserve the royal treatment!


No matter what you are trying to do today, it should come off pretty well. Even if what you're trying is completely impossible, your failure should be glorious and impressive, so be sure to go for it!


You feel drawn out and exhausted for no good reason -- try to just find a comfy spot and settle down for the day. Why not? You're well fed and sheltered, so there's no reason not to relax.


You need to feel helpful today, even if the humans try to brush you off or don't understand how great things could be. You just need to be persistent -- things should even out pretty quickly!

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